Silverbell Road - Ina to Grant Road

Maps & Reports

Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Letter

Preliminary Jurisdictional Form

U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers Approved Jurisdictional Delineation - There are six sheets with aerial views:

June 16, 2014 – Public Art

June 16, 2014 – Landscape Concepts

May 23, 2013 – Landscape Concepts

PAG/RTA Value Analysis Study Final Report - November 2011 
(214 pages, full report)

Design Concept Study Final Report - June 2011 
(162 pages, full report)

Cultural Survey Report - June 2010
(79 pages, full report)

Traffic Report 
(300 pages, full report)

Traffic Report 
(60 pages, no appendicies)

Task Force Meeting Presentations and Materials:

Environmental Aspects

Environmental studies are an important part of the entire Silverbell Road project to identify existing conditions and any environmental constraints. A complete summary of the environmental findings can be found in the Environmental Design and Mitigation Report completed during the Design Concept phase of the project.

Environmental Design and Mitigation Report

The Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan

Wildlife Aspects

Silverbell Road (South) Wildlife Linkage Initial Assessment

Silverbell Road (North) Wildlife Linkage Initial Assessment

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Project Map

The Regional Transportation Authority, a political subdivision of the state and independently governed, has invested more than $1.2 billion in transportation projects and services to improve mobility, safety, economic vitality and quality of life in the region. The RTA collects a half-cent excise (sales) tax from its special taxing district within Pima County to fund its 20-year regional transportation plan. The plan and tax were approved by voters in May 2006. The Silverbell Road project is part of the RTA plan and is managed by the City of Tucson in conjunction with the Town of Marana and Pima County. For more information, visit

For more information please contact: Nanette or Kathy
Silverbell Road Project c/o 100 N Stone Avenue, Ste. #450 Tucson, AZ 85701
Phone: (520) 885-9009 Email:

  • Regional Transportation Authority
  • City of Tucson
  • Marana
  • Pima County