Silverbell Road - Ina to Grant Road

Silverbell FAQ - Grant Road to Goret Road

When was the project completed?

Construction of the roadway was completed in January 2017. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on February 14, 2017. 

What are some of the features of the design?

The scope of work for this project is to reconstruct and widen the existing roadway to provide additional travel lanes for north and south bound traffic as well as to alleviate existing drainage problems. New six-foot wide sidewalk will be constructed on the west side of Silvebell Road to go along with a ten-foot wide asphalt multi-use path on the east side to improve pedestrian accessibility. The existing pavement will be replaced with new asphalt paving to provide a smooth and safe ride. Drainage improvements include storm drains, box culverts, catch basins, and roadside drainage ditches to control flooding and provide all weather crossing capability. This project also will include new traffic signals at the intersections of Silverbell Road & Goret Road and Silverbell Road & Grant Road. Street lighting for driver safety and neighborhood security will be included as well. Native landscaping and public art are to be incorporated as well.  

Silverbell Road Phase 1 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

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The Regional Transportation Authority, a political subdivision of the state and independently governed, has invested more than $1.2 billion in transportation projects and services to improve mobility, safety, economic vitality and quality of life in the region. The RTA collects a half-cent excise (sales) tax from its special taxing district within Pima County to fund its 20-year regional transportation plan. The plan and tax were approved by voters in May 2006. The Silverbell Road project is part of the RTA plan and is managed by the City of Tucson in conjunction with the Town of Marana and Pima County. For more information, visit

For more information please contact: Nanette or Kathy
Silverbell Road Project c/o 100 N Stone Avenue, Ste. #450 Tucson, AZ 85701
Phone: (520) 885-9009 Email:

  • Regional Transportation Authority
  • City of Tucson
  • Marana
  • Pima County